Tonight day 8 of RV living is coming to a close. We are beginning to get into somewhat of a routine again and it’s really nice. After 9 months of living with Chris’s grandparents, it’s good to have more privacy, even if it is in a tiny home!
We have the RV hooked up behind Chris’s parent’s barn. Our land is across the field from the barn, on the corner, butted up against their land. There will eventually be stables between where we are and where our house will be.

We moved in on the 20th, but I was still going back and forth with things for the whole first week. On the 25th, with the help of a friend (thanks again Grace!!) and Chris’s grandad, we got the chickens and their pen moved out to the property. Their pen is near our house pad as they will eventually be in our backyard. As of now, however, it’s across the field from where we have the RV hooked up.
I have been out of the country since I’ve lived in Florida and I must say that I am enjoying that I’m back! RV living definitely takes some getting used to and I dare say that we aren’t 100% there yet, but we’re fully on our way! I have found that I’m more purposeful – more mindful – with what and how I’m doing things. I’m more appreciative than I have been in some time. I’m savoring every little thing and finding more meaning in all the smalls things that I’ve taken for granted over the years. It’s sad that you never realize that you’re taking something for granted until you no longer have it, huh?
I’ve been working on my book more, but haven’t updated it in a few weeks. I’ve mostly been MIA online. Now that life is settling down again I should be back at it all soon. I’ll be sharing our RV life and lifestyle for those that want to read.