the one where we went to disney with a toddler

We’ve taken Gregory to Disney for the past several years. Granted the first time he was 8 months. He stayed in his stroller while we enjoyed Mickey’s Christmas and slept through it. Last year however he was able to ride several rides, but this year! Oh this year was magic! He’s getting close to the big “3” now and the difference just the year made was amazing!
A 2 year old at Disney- the thought may make you cringe. It use to make me cringe, I won’t even lie! It was so much easier than taking a 1 year old. At 1 he got bored with so much. While there were things that held his attention (It’s A Small World held it the longest!), there was still so much that he couldn’t do yet. I’m not saying it wasn’t fun, but it wasn’t AS fun.
This year, at 2, when we told him who he was going to get to see he knew who we were referring to and he was EXCITED! So excited in fact that he didn’t sleep the night before, so yes, we greatly regretting not waiting until the morning of! This year was special. This year he was ready and boy did it make a difference!
In my opinion there is no ideal age to take your little ones. If you want to take them when they’re tiny babies, do it! When they’re that little it’s for you anyway, not them.
I thought I’d share some tips with other toddler mommies out there!
[01] Get the mydisneyexpericnce app. It’s worth it! Find out if your park is doing the extra magic hour that day. If they are it means they’re open an hour early and if you already have your ticket/magic band you can take advantage of this! Go early! Always go as early as you can!!
[02] Set your fast passes on your app! You can set 3 to begin with. DO IT! Once your three fast passes are out you can choose one at a time until you run out. Typically I think you get about three more, but with all the walking around and extras you may fit it, it’s enough!
[03] Your toddler can walk, does this mean ditch the stroller? While it would be so cool to go without – it’s a must to have. Those little legs can only do so much and eventually that little one will need a nap! Take the stroller!
[04] Take things that will fit under the stroller or on it. Don’t make yourself drag around unneeded items all day. They get heavy very fast!
[05] Again, back to the app. This thing can show you restrooms AND baby centers. What’s a baby center? Well, they’re amazing for one! Baby centers are fully staffed and have all things baby! Here’s a list of what they have:
- Private nursing room with rocking chairs
- Changing room with tables and a unisex bathroom
- Feeding area with highchairs
- Kitchen with microwave, oven and sink
- Main room with television, table, chairs and sofa
- On-site shop offering formula, baby food, juice, diapers, wipes, sunscreen, over-the-counter medications and clothing for purchase
[06] Know what your toddler likes and aim for that. Know their limits. Don’t push what you want because frankly, we all know, a toddler whats only what interests them!
[07] HAVE FUN. Don’t get caught up in rushing or getting to this or that. Just enjoy it.