Anatomy of a Boudoir Session

Anatomy of a Boudoir Session

First off – what’s a boudoir session?

You may have seen boudoir session pins on pinterest and while it might have piqued your interest – you aren’t exactly certain what it is and what it entails. The actual definition is as follows: “Boudoir” is a French word meaning a lady’s private dressing room or bedroom. In photography, boudoir refers to a style in which women pose for photographs partially clothed or in lingerie.

losing pudd

losing pudd

My dearest Pudd,For 12 yrs you were one of the biggest parts of my life. You were my first son. You helped me through some of the hardest points in my life. You were just a tiny, rolly-polly, pudgy thing when I picked you up at 7 weeks. You gave me some of the best…