the one with exciting news
We’re going to be parents!! https://www.facebook.com/dionarwilliams/videos/618565514899230

0 for 3 & baby v
Technically 0 for 4. For those that let us know about Baby V, again thank you. We haven’t heard anything at this point which means that we are not “in the running” for next phase however we did fill out the pre-application Monday. Looks like they found a more suitable family for her. Yesterday we…

risk takers
risknoun: risk; plural noun: risks1.a situation involving exposure to danger.”flouting the law was too much of a risk”verb: risk; 3rd person present: risks; past tense: risked; past participle: risked; gerund or present participle: risking1. expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm, or loss. “he risked his life to save his dog” There are risks associated with everything we do here in…

moving forward
I got the call yesterday that we were not chosen. I was in the middle of re-organizing the pantry, listening to iTunes radio on my phone when it rang. If you ever do this then I’m sure you know, but if you don’t – it basically pauses the song you were listening to. I had…

full steam ahead
After all, that’s the only way I do anything. I make up my mind and there’s noting that can stand in my way. Sometimes that’s good…. but not always. I am lucky however that Chris accepts this, even when it means that we’ve BOTH got a weekend of honey dos to get done! We’ve been working on putting the…

the one with the waiting
I started off thinking that if I just pretended that she had already chosen a family then… if I got the call that she wants us to be that family I’d be very pleasantly surprised. As the week as progressed, yeah it’s only day four – I guess I’m just a big baby, my phone has taken over my…

the one about the homestudy
Home Study Checklist: ✔ Child Abuse Clearance✔ Local Background Check✔ Live Scan Fingerprint Clearances✔ Medical Report ✔ Photocopy of Most Recent Tax Returns✔ Employment Letter Today✔ Financial Statement✔ Five Letters of Reference Sent out guidelines to all 5 references.✔ Photocopies – Birth, Marriage, Divorce✔ Guardianship Statement Guardian Chosen, must get signed.✔ Affidavit of Good Moral Character✔ Confidential Home Study Inventory✔ Arrest DispositionSchedule case worker…

the one with more progress
Friday I ordered a book filled with our statement pictures for a birth mom. Please send some prayers up, she will be given our book along with a few other families’ info on Monday. I got “Baby G’s” initial this week and put over the crib. I also got the chest of drawers moved into…

the one about roots
Roots, we’re born with them, though they might not always seems important to us. I’ve always been drawn to learn all that I can about mine. I love knowing where “I come from”. It’s a big deal in my opinion. I’ve been wondering what the best ways will be to gather this type of information…

loving every moment
I got online to check facebook yesterday morning and see this as Chris’ status: “So I woke up today full of life, full of joy, full of hope. Just the mere idea that I will soon be a Dad is amazing. I never wanted anything so much in my entire life.” *swoon* I felt like…

babies on the brain
I never realized that once we decided it was time that I would become such a “baby addict”! All I can think about is baby stuff! Oh! I go tomorrow at some point to pick up our crib. Yes, that’s right, OUR CRIB! My heart just started racing. Yes, we know we don’t have that…